Hull and Machinery Claims
Our role is to provide an independent view on the liability of insurers under the hull and machinery policy. more
General Average
General Average is an internationally recognised system of casualty management which can trace its’ origins back to around 500 AD. Where a ship gets in to difficulty with cargo on board... more
Loss of Hire Claims
Loss of hire or earnings polices are special policies written to indemnify shipowners with regard to their loss of earnings or hire whilst the vessel is out of action undergoing repairs following a casualty. more
Shipbuilder insurance Claims
Where a vessel is damaged during the course of construction, our role is to provide an independent view on the liability of insurers under the Shipbuilder’s Risks policy. more
Ship Repairers’ Liability Claims
Where a vessel is damaged during the course of repairs, our role is to provide an independent view on the liability of insurers under the Ship Repairer’s Liability policy. more
Marine and Claims Consultancy
Consultancy Services base on a wealth of experience. more