Willum Richards Consulting Ltd is an Average Adjusting and insurance claims consultancy company started in 2011 in New Zealand.
Willum Richards is a Fellow ad past Chair of the Association of Average Adjusters, UK and current Vice President of the Association Mondiale de Dispacheurs (International Association of Average Adjusters). He has over 25 years of experience in the international marine and non-marine insurance claims field.
He has working in the UK, USA, India, Singapore, Hong Kong and New Zealand and has extensive experience of adjusting and managing claims in Australasia, the Pacific Islands and Asia.
The company offers average adjusting services in relation to marine hull and machinery, loss of hire, shipbuilders risk and ship repairer’s liability insurances, General Average adjusting and general insurance claims consultancy.
As the Asian regional claims director of a major international insurers, Willum Richards has experience in managing large volumes of claims, setting up systems and processes for insurance claims departments as well as claims audit capabilities.